The JETTY: Praise to the Panelist and Facilitators at the Executive Institute


While the keynoters received “headline billing” so to say, I want to reach out in this column to give high praise to all of the panelists and facilitators, who worked the “breakout sessions” where so much information was provided. Challenging the Status Quo, Re-imagining College and Career Pathways, Our MTSS Journey, Measuring the Impact for Universal Design for Learning, Using Data to Plan for and Measure Social Emotional Learning, Student’s Take on Engaging and Rigorous Applied STEM Coursework, Developing and Fostering a Robust Wellness Model, Education Licensure, Creating a District Culture, Marriage of Curriculum and Education Technology, Pathways and Early College: An Integrated Approach, LGBTQ Youth in Our Schools, Developing a 6-12 Computer Science Program, TEALS-Technology Education and Literacy in Our Schools, Financial Services and an Assistant Superintendents Panel were several morning sessions just to mention a few.

Augmenting this were New Revisions in Policies for Construction/Renovation with MSBA officials, MIAA-Beyond Golf-Organization  Responsibilities, an Aspiring  Superintendents Seminar, the MARS and MAVA Roundtable, Re-thinking Support of Student Learning, Arguing Our Ways to a More Sustainable Culture, Recognizing and Dismantling Racism and Oppression in Our Schools, Change the Conversation, Reviewing the Education Landscape, Building a Project Lead the Way, Re-designing Today’s  Schools for Tomorrow’sLeaders, Utilizing the Elements for Project Lead the Way, Legal Breakout Session with Counsel, Making a Fifth Quarter of Engagement and Active Learning, Virtual Learning Experiences for All, Developing Inquiring, Knowledgeable and Caring Young People through the IB/MYP, Simulations-A Unique and Engaging Way to Build Leadership Capacity, Financial Fluency Makes Common Sense and Female to Female Bullying: Myth or Reality along with others including one on Aspiring Superintendents.

The packed conference had educational components fit for all those who attended and as one member commented, “I learn so much by having the opportunity to discuss issues with my colleagues and feel refreshed already.” I hear this all the time which is a great way to avoid frustration.

My best and my thanks,


JETTY defined as a pier or structure of stones, piles or the like, projecting into the sea or other body of water to protect a harbor and deflect the current

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