New Superintendent Induction Program (NSIP)

Empowering new superintendents to accelerate student learning through strategic leadership

As the district’s leader, each Massachusetts superintendent has the opportunity and responsibility to work through school principals and others to improve academic, social and emotional outcomes for all youth. The three-year New Superintendent Induction Program (NSIP) provides a firm foundation for new superintendents to do so with greater skill, savvy and success. NSIP is a collaboration between the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) and the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (MASS). By teaching replicable best practices, providing expert coaching that goes well beyond mentoring, and offering multiple opportunities for deep collaboration with peers, NSIP helps superintendents sharpen their focus on teaching and learning, transform their visions into positive student outcomes, and become successful instructional leaders capable of promoting substantive and realistic change at the school level.

Theory of Action

The NSIP theory of action is based on the multidimensional nature of effective district leadership. By teaching and supporting successful former superintendents to coach new superintendents, and by grounding this support in a research-based curriculum taught over three years through a series of cohort-based, day-long workshops, NSIP enables participants to develop and effectively implement high leverage, widely-understood strategies that will improve teaching and learning during their first years as a superintendent.

What people are saying…“As a result of the program, I have a better understanding of how the role of the superintendent has changed dramatically from managerial and reactive to strategic, targeted and proactive.”

Program Structure

NSIP seeks to ensure that each superintendent begins their first year with a strong entry plan for engaging stakeholders and gathering the information needed to develop a widely-understood and focused strategy to accelerate student learning.

The program is designed as a three (3) year program with content days and individual coaching. Coaching participate with superintendents in content days and over the three years, superintendents will engage in active and collaborative learning.

For more information about the program, please call M.A.S.S. at 781-541-5098 or email Erica Hedrick at


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