Yesterday Commissioner Jeff Riley addressed Superintendents, Charter School Leaders and Assistant Superintendents with a wonderful message in an effort to celebrate teachers:
“Since becoming commissioner in April, I’ve told anyone who would listen that I planned to do more to celebrate teachers. We have amazing educators in Massachusetts, and their work is at the core of everything we do.
Today, I’m happy to announce parts of that celebration. We have revamped our aMAzing Educators webpage, which features educators and now invites the public to tell us about their favorite teachers. Starting next week, a public service announcement in which students talk about their teachers will air on TV and radio. In September, you can expect to see teacher appreciation messages on 150 digital billboards statewide (an example is attached to this email).
I sincerely need your help spreading these messages. Please:
- Share the aMazing Educators link (www.mass.gov/amazingeducators) with your school community, including parents and student councils, and via social media, and
- Ask your local cable access station, radio station, and other outlets to air the public service announcement. (Contact Deputy Chief of Staff Jass Stewart at jstewart@doe.mass.edu or 781-338-3105 for a broadcast version of the video.)
I hope you’ll join me in recognizing the crucial role that teachers play in improving children’s lives.”