Dear Colleagues,
Registration has opened for the 26th Annual M.A.S.S. Paul J. Andrews Executive Institute 2020, July 13-16! Our theme for the conference is Leading into the Future: Strengthening a Culture of Caring and Community.
The “Executive Institute” was established to provide a time for our school leaders to get away from their districts and learn from each other, from top presenters and focused programs. As always, we invite your Aspiring Leaders (asst. supts, principals, dept heads; etc) to attend for the day to participate in General Sessions and breakouts.
The conference will begin on Monday, July 13th with the popular legal and finance tutorial events at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel and our annual golf tournament at the Cape Cod Country Club (contact Mike Fitzpatrick directly to golf: mfitzpat@valleytech.k12.ma.us) followed by our annual welcome BBQ.
Tuesday, July 14th we begin our 3 day program at Mashpee High School, with Keynote speaker Romie Mushtaq – a traditionally trained neurologist with additional board certification in integrative medicine.
Wednesday, July 15th we will continue with speakers, Douglas Brinkley, the Katherine Tsanoff Brown Chair in Humanities and professor of history at Rice University. Brinkley is the history commentator for CNN, and a contributing editor to the magazine Vanity Fair.
Thursday, July 16th we conclude with our presenter, along with MTRS Director Erika Glaster and the wonderful work of ambassadors within Project 351. We are also excited that Commissioner Jeffrey Riley will be joining us.
In addition to excellent presenters, we have several breakout sessions planned. This conference is one of “CONTACT”, an opportunity to connect with colleagues, sponsors, and other committed educational professionals. The cost for the event is as follows: Monday, July 13th: Pre-Conference Events ($50 cost), Tuesday, July 14th – 16th: Conference ($300 per day OR $750 for the 3 days) Retired Member Rate: $75 per day or $200 for the 3 days)
We are proud of all the work that the Professional Development Committee and Breakout Presenters put in to make this conference a HUGE success.