The North Reading Public Schools invites qualified candidates for the position of Principal for the E. Ethel Little Elementary School. The North Reading Public Schools provides a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment where students develop both their social-emotional and academic skills and abilities through an exploration of a wide range of content areas, the arts, athletics, and extracurricular opportunities. North Reading Public Schools is actively looking to build a diverse workforce to ensure all students feel welcome, safe, and valued for who they are and supported to reach their potential. With a dedication to excellence, service, and life-long learning our students will engage collaboratively, think critically, embrace diversity, and value equity in order to become productive global citizens.
Our District’s Strategy includes a focus on Student Services; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; and Teaching & Learning. We strongly encourage educators from diverse backgrounds to apply for this leadership position in our district.
The E. Ethel Little School seeks to create a challenging educational environment with high expectations for each student’s success. Our school promotes a safe, nurturing, and supportive atmosphere in which to learn and play. Each student’s self-esteem and love of learning is fostered by positive relationships with their peers and educators. We will respect ourselves and one another and appreciate individual differences. Our belief is that education is a shared responsibility of the students, parents/guardians, educators, and community. Together we can work to develop responsible children who are prepared to face the complexities of today’s ever changing world.
The Little School’s student population of roughly 300 students in grade PreK through 5. There are approximately 50 educators and support staff. The school is a tight knit community with long standing traditions.
Our vision is that all students in North Reading will feel welcome, safe, and valued for who they are and supported to reach their potential as global citizens. Students will feel personally connected to their learning experiences and will feel represented inside and outside of the classroom ensuring a sense of belonging.
A description of the position of Principal and other pertinent information is as follows:
- The Principal reports directly to the Superintendent of Schools
- The Principal shall supervise and evaluate all staff members whose major assignment is at the Little School
Essential duties
- General Administrative Responsibilities
- Be responsible for all areas of operation and management of the Little School
- Make available to staff and students within the building all pertinent policies, regulations, directives, and information issued by the School Committee and the Superintendent
- Keep the Superintendent informed of all activities within the school
- Serve on committees and working groups as requested by the Superintendent
- Direct the activities of non-professional employees where the educational program and the welfare of the students and staff are concerned
- Be responsive to the need for good public relations between school and home, school and community, school and news media
- Serve as a member of the Superintendent’s Administrative Council
- Assume such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Superintendent
- Personnel Responsibilities
- As educational leader of the school, transmit and explain the philosophy of the North Reading Public Schools, identify the professional needs of the faculty, encourage staff participation in all school matters, seek to maintain high faculty morale, maintain high standards for teaching and learning, and encourage professional growth in educators
Interview and recommend staff for appointment - Supervise and evaluate staff according to the district’s adopted Educator Evaluation Plan model, this includes but is not limited to educators, paraprofessionals, and administrative assistants
- Make or confirm all teaching and activity assignments
- Conduct regular faculty meetings
- Act as liaison between the staff and the community
- Seek to improve the quality of instruction by interpreting the results of research, assessment, and professional and development to the staff
- Participate in the orientation and induction program for new staff
- Assist in the planning and coordination of professional development for staff members
- As educational leader of the school, transmit and explain the philosophy of the North Reading Public Schools, identify the professional needs of the faculty, encourage staff participation in all school matters, seek to maintain high faculty morale, maintain high standards for teaching and learning, and encourage professional growth in educators
- Pupil Responsibilities
- Assume responsibility for the welfare and safety of pupils
- Supervise pupil registration, report pupil progress to parents/guardians, and certify pupils for advancement
- Work with the faculty to supervise and interpret testing programs to identify the needs, capabilities, and interests of each student and utilize the results of such programs to further the progress of each student
- Maintain a safe and conducive learning environment
- Support students having school adjustment needs, and in more serious cases seek assistance from the Department of Student Services
- Maintain adequate communications and transparency between administration and pupils
- Enforce School Committee policies and regulations as they relate to pupils
- Implement programs/services for students with disabilities in concert with the Department of Student Services according to state and federal regulations (IDEA and Section 504)
- Lead efforts to create an inclusive environment where students of all backgrounds —regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or ability— can thrive academically and socially
- Ensure the provision of home and hospital tutoring for students according to state regulations
- Develop the annual Student/Parent Handbook
- Building Responsibilities
- Cultivate a positive and collaborative school culture
- Prepare the schedule of classes and instruction
- Act as a champion for diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belonging within the school community, ensuring that every student and staff member feels respected and valued
- Under the direction of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, prepare the annual operating budget, order and distribute supplies, textbooks and equipment, and inventory school equipment
- Assist in the development, revision, and evaluation of curriculum and instruction
- Serve as the Chair of the School Improvement Council and oversee the development and implementation of the annual School Improvement Plan
- Support the Parent Association and other school-based parent/guardian support groups within the school
Length of Work Year
The successful candidate will begin employment as Principal on July 1, 2025. The Principal is a full year position, excluding District closures and holidays, and shall be entitled to vacation, which will be taken during the summer months and during designated school vacations under ordinary circumstances.
- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education license in Principal/Assistant Principal, grades PreK-8
- A master’s degree in Education/Educational Leadership from an accredited college or university with courses weighted heavily in the areas of elementary education, curriculum, and school administration
- Successful administrative and teaching experience, preferably at the elementary school level
- Demonstrated knowledge of current teaching practices, education reform, technology, elementary school organization, and early childhood education
- Effective history in a leadership position such as a principal, director, department chair, or similar administrative position, preferred
- Citizenship, residency or work visa required
The Superintendent may recommend a candidate who does not have all of the above qualifications if it is in the best interest of the North Reading Public Schools.
Application questions: Please answer both questions
- How do you envision fostering a positive school culture that promotes both academic excellence and personal growth? How do you plan to support diverse learners, increase student engagement, and ensure equitable access to opportunities for all students? (answer limited to 5000 characters, including spaces)
- How do you plan to support a professional culture that addresses faculty development through teacher growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of continuous improvement? (answer limited to 5000 characters, including spaces)
Salary/Compensation benefits
- Range: $125,000-$150,000
- Paid vacation, sick, and personal days
- Health, dental, and other insurance options as available through the Town of North Reading
The deadline for applications to be submitted is February 21, 2025.
Note: all candidates will remain confidential until the announcement of finalist level candidates.
The North Reading Public Schools (NRPS) provides a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment where students develop both their social-emotional and academic skills and abilities through an exploration of a wide range of content areas, the arts, athletics, and extra-curricular opportunities. With a dedication to excellence, service, and life-long learning our students will engage collaboratively, think critically, embrace diversity, and value equity in order to become productive global citizens.
NRPS is actively looking to build a diverse workforce to ensure all students feel welcome, safe, and valued for who they are and supported to reach their potential. Candidates with different perspectives and experiences are strongly encouraged to apply to grow our school community and help students feel personally connected to their learning experiences and feel represented inside and outside of the classroom ensuring a sense of belonging.
North Reading Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin age, sex, gender identity, disability, religion, or sexual orientation, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the District’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), may contact the Human Resources Administrator.
To apply for this job email your details to msoares@nrpsk12.org