On January 24, 2019, almost 300 members met in Marlborough to discuss the future of Massachusetts education. Keynote Speaker, Andy Calkins, of Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) presented “Five Reasons Why MA Schools can Genuinely Lead the Nation.” Presentation Found HERE.

Following Andy’s engaging and insightful presentation, panelists, Sheldon Berman, Superintendent of Schools, Andover Public Schools, Andy Calkins, Director, Next Generation Leaning Challenges, Dianne Kelly, Superintendent of Schools, Revere Public Schools, Anna Nolin, Superintendent of Schools, Natick Public Schools, and Jeffrey Riley, Commissioner of Department of Secondary and Elementary Education, spoke about the work they are doing in their districts and reacted to the keynote presentation.

After the panel, students from Collins Middle School in Salem engaged the audience in a computer science activity. Computer Science remains a priority and continuing efforts are underway to find matching funds for earmarked state funding. They kicked off a Snow Day Coding Adventure!

Commissioner Riley joined us for the whole day and delivered remarks before lunch. The Commissioner has been very open to looking at the future of education in Massachusetts and yesterday was an opportunity to have this dialogue among ourselves and with the Commissioner.

During lunch, John Doherty, Superintendent of Schools, Reading Public Schools, and winner of the 2018 Christos Daoulas award gave remarks. The Christos Daoulas award gives recognition of the many contributions a superintendent makes to his colleagues, our association and the education community. John’s speech was inspiring, challenging and motivational! John spoke from the heart and reminded us why many choose to work in education and do what we do.

The day was a great highlight on “What’s Next” for Massachusetts education and how can we re-imagine education into the 21st century. This was the highest attendance for our Mid-Winter meeting in history and we are grateful for Andy Calkins, the Commissioner, our panelists, the students of Collins Middle School, and our committed sponsors for taking the time to spend their day with us.