Take your choice, “All good things must come to an end” or “better times are ahead.” The Summer has drawn to a close and all the preparation you and your staff have devoted to the new school year will now be tested by students, faculty, and community. All the best wishes for a productive and prosperous new school year. There is something special about a new start to the school year. Educators and students are filled with anticipation as they renew friendships and welcome new ones. For superintendents, it’s about setting expectations, sharing personal stories, defining values of the system and laying out goals and visions for a better opportunity for each and every child.
All of us at M.A.S.S. know how fortunate we are to help support the outstanding leadership you provide our young people and communities. Let us know if we can help in any way!
Have a great year!
Tom, Paul, Christine, Erica & Darlene